My cooperation with Ms Kinga Raczak started with consultations before my decision to buy a flat in an old tenement house in the city center, continued through the design stage and ended with the acceptance of renovation works. At each stage, what I received exceeded my wildest expectations. From the very beginning, Ms Kinga had a great sense of what was important to me. Where I was really helpless – in matters of installations, ceilings, chimney draughts, removal of toxic materials of the old building, soundproofing of floors – she designed everything, organized the team, supervised the works – fully synchronized the parquet worker, stonemason, painter, who were happy to do their job well… And everything looks beautiful.
Renovation for a woman in general – it’s one thing, but for a busy woman – it’s something completely different – here I experienced a lot of patience and empathy with what I had in mind. And renovation for a sensitive person – it is already fulfilling higher needs. Ms Kinga designed a bathroom for me, where I have no need to go to the spa – I can fully relax with a feast for the eyes at home. She went with me to the stonemason’s to choose the stone, she felt what moved me in the drawing of the chosen stone, and designed its arrangement in such a way that an unusual, magically working room was created, drawing me into the land of imagination. And then she oversaw the execution.
My bathroom plan also included space for a bath martini light, taking into account the height of the shelf next to the bath….
In cooperation with Ms. Kinga, I experienced that what I had not imagined to expect, for her was obvious.
The fact that Ms Kinga can listen to the client was also demonstrated by the way she organised the renovation of another flat for me, for rent. The most important criterion: safety of the tenant, secondly: the price of the renovation, thirdly: time – everything was done in a flash, and the fresh, nice flat is already a joy.
Mrs. Ania
Ms. mgr inż. arch. Kinga Raczak performed for us a project of reconstruction and development of commercial space in Krakow.
The cooperation with Ms. architect went very smoothly. We received valuable advice and comments in terms of functionality of our facility. This contributed not only to the fact that our shop looks really beautiful and, thanks to that, attracts more customers, but, in addition, ergonomically arranged space, makes the shop meet all our needs. Ms Kinga also supervised us – the contractors – and thanks to this, the work on our thorough renovation went on in a satisfactory time for us.
Ms Kinga is a solid, reliable and competent person. Her work helped us a lot and we will certainly use her services in the future, if necessary. We recommend cooperation with Ms Kinga.

I am a private investor. I planned a major renovation of my flat for the summer of 2016, which also required remodeling an unusual hallway and incorporating wardrobes into this space. I am professionally busy on a daily basis and could not devote much time to planning and carrying out the renovation. Therefore, I decided to entrust these matters to a professional. I used the services of BiuroKR, which is run by Ms Kinga Raczak.
It was a comprehensive service of my order: measurement and familiarisation with the space, proposals of remodeling possibilities and, after consultations, preparation of a detailed design. The project was finally handed over to the chosen renovation team, who took care of the renovation. Ms Kinga’s assistance also included the selection of materials and colors. Current issues that arose during the renovation were consulted by the renovation team with the architect and the best solution was always suggested to me. Ms Kinga’s service also included comparing prices of carpentry services for making cabinets. I would recommend BiuroKR’s services to anyone who wants to renovate their home in a comprehensive and efficient manner.
Mrs. Urszula

In July 2014, I had the pleasure to meet Kinga Raczak. At this time, we started cooperation regarding the activities of the Dominican Liturgical Centre Foundation, which planned to open a shop in the cloister of the Dominican Convent in Krakow. It was not an easy task to fulfill, because the monastery is a unique space with its beautiful neo-Gothic architecture, the atmosphere of meditation and reflection, and its extensive activities open for people of culture, science and the arts. The Foundation sought an architect who would have taken up the challenge of creating in the small space planned for the shop, a place worthy of its surroundings, with a contemporary character, functional, but also elegant and referring in a modern way to the Gothic patterns.
Kinga Raczak not only met our expectations but greatly exceeded them. In the period from July to August 2015, she designed the construction project of the renovation of the premises planned for the shop (change of the floors, plastering, installations), arranged the interior (colors of the interior, design of the furniture, lighting and other elements of the furnishings) and supervised all the works performed.
Kinga Raczak turned out to be a person with an exceptional spatial imagination and sublime taste. Effective solutions for the interior design proposed by her were always at a high aesthetic level, and at times even artistic. The passion for beauty does not overshadow the practical aspects of the solutions designed by her. In the course of the works, Kinga demonstrated high communication skills. She easily communicated with employees performing successive stages of the project, as well as with the client. I believe that an important positive feature of Kinga is the fact, that as a person open to dialogue, she does not easily give up on her own concepts, thus looking for solutions that will both satisfy the client and will let her pursue her extraordinary ideas.
The result of her work is a harmonious interior, furnished with tasteful furniture and warm lighting, complemented by modern pieces of equipment. The entire effect makes our customers surprised by the beauty of the shop, which became a place willingly visited by them, because it is not merely an ordinary point of sale, but it gives a respite from the mundane architecture subordinated to commercial aims.
I recommend Kinga Raczak with absolute confidence, as a perfect collaborator for any work related to interior arrangement and design.
Chairman of the Foundation
Dominican Liturgical Centre
Tomasz Grabowski OP